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Leads (mobile app)

Everything you need to know about Leads in the mobile app

Chris Garbacz avatar
Written by Chris Garbacz
Updated over a week ago

In this article we will cover:

  • Leads Overview

  • Adding New Leads

  • Leads Profile

  • The difference between Leads and Jobs

Leads Overview

Your Leads Overview page shows you all the leads that you have in your Studio Ninja account. New leads will always appear at the top. By clicking on a lead, it will open up the Lead Profile page with more information about this lead. 

From the Leads Overview page you will be able to:

Add new Leads: Click the '+ Add' button to bring up the Add new lead lightbox.

Search: Start typing in the search field and your list will dynamically be filtered using the keyword you entered.

Edit: Click the 'Edit' button to bring up the lead details. Here you can edit and update all your lead details.

Email: Click the 'Email' button to send emails directly to your leads.

You can also see the name of the lead, the date of the shoot, what type of shoot it is and the status of the emails that you have sent that lead. 

So, what's the difference between a new Job and a new Lead?

Jobs: As soon as you create a new job it will automatically appear as Job Accepted in the workflow. The lead section of the workflow will be greyed out and unavailable, and the job is technically a confirmed job that is now booked in.

Leads: A lead is a job the has not been accepted/confirmed yet. A Lead will convert into a Job automatically if a client accepts a quote, sign a contract, pays an invoice or if you manually tick the Job Accepted box.

Adding New Leads

There are two main ways of adding Leads into your Studio Ninja account. 

Manually: You can manually add leads into Studio Ninja either from the Leads page or from the Calendar page. Click on the + Add button to bring up the Add new lead box and complete the new lead details.

Automatically: Leads can also automatically appear in your Studio Ninja account if you embed the Studio Ninja contact form on your website. As soon as a new enquiry is submitted, you'll be notified by email and a new Lead will appear on your Leads page! Click here for more information about the Studio Ninja contact form.  

Lead Profile page

The Lead Profile page displays all the information about this specific lead. 

Use this page to:

  • Review Lead details

  • Review Client details

  • Track tasks about this lead using the Workflow

  • Send Invoices

  • Send Quotes

  • Sent Contracts

  • Send Questionnaires

  • Upload Files

  • Make Notes

  • Track and Send Emails. 

Need Help?

If you need help with anything we are here for you :-) 

  • Message us in-app by clicking on the green chat icon on the bottom right hand side and one of our friendly staff with give you a hand. 

  • Book a training session and Chris will help you through every step of the process to get you setup as quickly as possible. He can also answer any questions you may have and also make sure your account is running in the most efficient way.

  • Join our Ninja community and chat with all of our users in the private (members only) Facebook Group. 

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