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How do I export payments?

Learn how to export the payment details from Studio Ninja

Jan Santos avatar
Written by Jan Santos
Updated over a week ago

Dashboard > Payments tab > Export payments

This is where you can export the payment details on your account for accounting purposes.

Simply click the "Export payments" button and an Export Payments lightbox will appear where you can select the type of invoices you want to export, the date range, columns and the file format.

Here's the list of options/fields you can select to export your payment details:

Type of Payments - All Payments, Paid Payments, or Unpaid Payments

Filter by - Issue Date, Due Date, or Paid Date

Date Range - 30 Days, Mtd (Month-to-date), Ytd (Year-to-date), or All time. You can also select a custom date range from the date picker.


• Select All • Client Email

• Status • Job Name

• Invoice ID • Job Status

• Issue Date • Main Shoot Date

• Sent Date • Total Amount

• Due Date • Tax Amount

• Paid Date • Currency

• Client Name

File Format - XLS and/or CSV

Once you're happy with your selections, just click the "Export Payments" button again to start downloading the payment details in your computer/laptop or mobile phone.

Congratulations! You've successfully exported your payment details. You're now ready for tax time! :)

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