Studio Ninja allows photographers to choose between three different tax options:
Includes tax
Excludes tax
No tax
Includes Tax
If you choose the 'Includes tax' option, this means that the final price of your product / package includes tax. For example, if your tax rate is 10% and your product / package is $1,000 then the breakdown will be:
Tax exclusive value: $909.09
Add the tax (10%): +$90.91
βFinal price: $1,000
Excludes Tax
If you choose the "Excludes tax' option, this means that the final price of your product / package excludes tax and tax will be added on top of the final price. For example, if your tax rate is 10% and your product / package is $1,000 then the breakdown will be:
Tax exclusive value: $1,000
Add the tax (10%): +$100
βFinal price: $1,100
No Tax
If you choose the 'No tax' option, this mean that the final price does not have any tax calculated into it. Tax will not appear on your invoices. Β