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Payment Methods

Learn how to set up different payment methods including credit card (Stripe & PayPal), bank transfer and others.

Chris Garbacz avatar
Written by Chris Garbacz
Updated over a week ago

Settings > Payment Methods

This is where you set up how you would like to get paid. You can set up several different payment options for your clients to pay you including:

  • Pay by Credit Card 

  • Pay by Bank Transfer

  • Other 

Once you have set up one or more of these payment methods, new buttons will appear on your invoices so your clients can pay you.  

Read on to learn more about each option. 

Pay by Credit Card > Stripe

Stripe is our preferred method of taking credit card payments online because of the lower fees, more streamlined user experience and automatic transfers sent straight to your nominated bank account.

Stripe fees vary from country to country but based in Australia, Stripe fees are 1.75% + $0.30 per transaction compared to PayPal which is 2.4% + $0.30 per transaction. 

To integrate Studio Ninja to your Stripe account please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Sign Up for a new account. 

Step 3: Activate your account.

Step 4: Go to Account Settings > API Keys.

Step 5: Copy & paste the LIVE Secret Key and Publishable Key into the Studio Ninja settings. 

Woohoo, you can now accept credit card payments and a new 'Pay by Credit Card' button will appear on your invoices! When clients pay you by credit card the money will first be transferred into Stripe, held there for between 2 - 7 days and then automatically transferred to your bank account. 

IMPORTANT: When payments are made by Credit Card your invoices will automatically be marked as paid, so your don't have to do anything!

Pay by Credit Card > PayPal

Please follow these steps below to get your API Username, API Password and Signature required to integrate PayPal to your Studio Ninja account. 

The first thing you will need to do (if you haven't already) is go to and setup a Business Account.

Once your Business Account is active, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: In the main menu > click 'Tools' > click 'All Tools'

Step 2: Click on 'API credentials'

Step 3: Click on 'Add or Edit API Permissions'

Step 4: Click 'Request API Credentials'

Step 5: Click 'Agree and Submit'

Once you are in, you will need to copy these details over into your Studio Ninja account in Settings > Payment Methods and click 'Activate' in the PayPal box:

  • API Username

  • API Password

  • Signature

Congratulations, you've activated PayPal in your Studio Ninja account. Now your clients will be able to pay your invoices online using credit card. A new 'Pay by PayPal' button will appear on all your invoice. 

IMPORTANT: We suggest that you activate Stripe or PayPal, not both at the same time as effectively they both do the same thing. 

Pay by Bank Transfer

This option provides a description to your client about how to pay you by bank transfer. I suggest you provide the following information:

  • A short sentence about what you would like your client to do.

  • Your account name.

  • Your account number.

  • Ask your client to provide a reference for this payment, for example their name or the invoice id.  

  • And lastly, maybe a short thank you message.

Once saved, a Pay by Bank Transfer button will appear on all of your invoices. When a client clicks on the Pay by Bank Transfer button, a lightbox will appear displaying the instructions your provided here. 



This option was created to give you the flexibility to add any option here that you like. For example, you may want your clients to pay you via a phone call, or post you a cheque. Whatever your unique payment method is, this is where you would put the details.

The Name of Method field will become the button title. The instructions will appear in the lightbox when your client clicks the button.  

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